Griffith University Skeptics and Freethinkers

September features the hugest month of great events yet for Reason Australia

In Embiggen Books, GUSSF Events!, Helping our community., Homeopathy Awareness Week, Modern Day Witchcraft, Responses to the media, Science on August 31, 2011 at 6:59 PM

In the lead up to our much anticipated official launch, Reason Australia are compiling a one-stop calendar of events nationwide that may be of interest to our members, supporters and friends.

If you are hosting or are aware of an event that is not yet featured on the Reason Australia events page, please contact our media and community relations manager via the following email address:

If you are holding or know of an event that is not yet featured on the Reason Australia events page, please contact our media and community relations manager via the following email address:

Please feel free to provide feedback via the above contact as well.

Jayson D Cooke

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